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Nivelles, city of traditions, is built in a valley drained by the Thines. Its history is merged in that of the abbey founded in 7C by Itte d'Aquitaine, wife of Pippin of Landen (also known as Pippin the Elder), where the first abbess was Sainte Gertrude, a great grand aunt of Charlemagne. Today, turned decidedly towards modernity, this city of 24,000 inhabitants boasts a vast industrial estate and is linked with the main cities in Belgium and abroad by a major motorway network. Nivelles is the capital of Roman-Païs.
For more information, please visit: www.nivelles.be
Visits : for more information, we refer you to the officials site: www.tourisme-roman-pais.be
- Collegiate church of Saint-Getrude
- Jean De Nivelles
- Church of the R�collets
- The municipal museum
- La ferme du Chapitre (farm)
- The old Nivelles
- Le palais de justice
- La fontaine du perron
- La tourette
- la tour Simone
- the procession of Sainte Gertrude
- Carnaval is the week-end after Mardi Gras.
- The Labels of quality of tarte al djote
- The farm fair
- The Christmas market

Ittre is a municipal entity formed by the former municipalities of Ittre, Virginal and Haut-Ittre. In spite of its proximity to the capital and other urban centres in the region, it has managed to preserve its own, essentially rural character. Its rills, valleys and wooded expanses invite the visitor to explore them by plunging in a diversified nature for a day or a weekend. The canal and route of the Sennette hold particular charm for strolling along the water.
For more information, please visit: www.ittre.be or www.sit-ittre.be
Visits : for more information, we refer you to the officials site: www.tourisme-roman-pais.be
- The church of Saint Laurent in Haut-Ittre
- The church of St R�my
- The church of St Pierre
- The chapelle of Notre-Dame of Consolation
- The castle of Ittre
- The castle of Baud�mont
- Forge-museum
- Folklore museum
- The witches table
- La tourette
- Fauquez glass works

The municipality of Rebecq comprises the entities of Bierghes, Quenast, Rebecq-Rognon and Wisbecq. Rebecq boasts a proud historical past, the best known stellar figures of which include the lords of Enghien, Trazegnies and Arenberg. An embarrassment of choice awaits you as you discover the historical centre of Rebecq. The Arenberg watermills, unique vestiges of medieval economic activities, help create the distinct atmosphere of this village crossed by the Senne.The Quenast porphyry quarries (ah, those famous Belgian cobbles!), the Lef�bvre speciality beer brewery with its proud traditions, a demonstration of the ancient miller's trade, a day at the farm will delight young people of all ages, whilst the small steam train takes you on a discovery of the nearby landscapes that afford countless opportunities for original excursions to be enjoyed in a group or on one's own.
VFor more information, please visit: www.rebecq.be
Visits : for more information, we refer you to the officials site: www.tourisme-roman-pais.be
- The church of Saint-G�ry
- The church of Saint Martin of Quenast
- The church of Saint Pierre-Martin of Bierghes
- The church of Saint-Fiacre � Wisbecq
- The grand mil of Arenberg
- The small mill of d'Arenberg
- The hospices
- The ancestral farms
- The Quenast quarryt
- The tourist attraction "Le Petit Train du Bonheur"

The current entity comprises the villages of Clabecq, Oisquercq, Saintes and Tubize. Tucked in the heart of the Senne Valley, Tubize underwent remarkable industrial development in the 19C. Many traces of this past can still be discovered in its characteristic dwellings as well as in the vestiges of its industries. In addition to the marks left by this long industrial past, you will find also superb corners of preserved nature that are ideal for outdoor activities such as walks, rides and relaxation. Heritage and traditions are not forgotten either, ranging from splendid old farms to the pomp and circumstance of the Sainte-Renelde procession.
For more information, please visit: www.tubize.be
Visits : for more information, we refer you to the officials site: www.tourisme-roman-pais.be
- The church of Sainte Renelde in Saintes
- The church of Saint-Martin et le presbyt�re d'Oisquercq
- The church of Sainte Gertrude
- The gate museum, mus�e de la Porte
- The fountain of Ste Renelde in Saintes
- The wind mill of Hondzocht
- The procession of Sainte Renelde in Saintes

Situated at the gates of Roman Pa�s in Brabant, the Municipality of Braine-le-Ch�teau is an entity that comprises the territory of Wauthier-Braine. For all those who love to combine relaxation with culture, this municipality boasts numerous vestiges of its feudal past. Its Grand Place (market square) at the centre of the village is a fine example of the affirmation of the various constituents of power in the Middle Ages, different interesting historical sites, traces of economic activity of days gone by. The immediate surroundings are just beckoning for walks and rides through their highly diverse landscapes and their preserved rural sites, all of which contribute to the charm of this engaging municipality.
For more information, please visit: www.braine-le-chateau.org
Visits : for more information, we refer you to the officials siter: www.tourisme-roman-pais.be
- The church of Saint-R�my
- The church of Saints Pierre et Paul in Wauthier-Braine
- The chapel of Sainte-Croix
- The chapel Notre-Dame-au-Bois
- The castle of Braine-le-Ch�teau
- Le moulin banal
- La maison du Bailli, bailli's house
- La ferme rose, the pink farm
- Le donjon de la seigneurie
- Le Pilori
- Les Monts de Braine-le-Ch�teau

- The battles of 1815
- The Lion de Waterloo
- The principal quarters of Napoleon 1�
- The wax museum
- Museum of Wellington
- The municipal museum
For more information, please visit: www.waterloo.be

For more information, please visit: www.bruxelles.irisnet.be/fr/tourismeloisirs.shtml